miércoles, 4 de abril de 2007

In-Service on Hispanic Ministry

Greetings –

This is a reminder about the upcoming Hispanic Ministry In-Service being sponsored by the Office of the Vicar for Clergy. The In-Service is scheduled in English for Thursday, April 30 and in Spanish for May 2. This is an excellent opportunity to hear a national presenter on Hispanic Ministry, Alejandro Aguilera-Titus, as well as participate in conversation about our local reality. If you have not already registered, please consider doing so.

Members of La Red, if you are planning on registering, please e-mail Corina Alanís or call her at 206-903-4615

Peace and I hope all is well with you in your ministry!

Frances Farrell
Director, Young Adult Ministry
Archdiocese of Seattle

for this post in Spanish

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